Deaf Voice II Strange Joke
Jaume Ferrete
Residency from Friday 1 July to Saturday 30 July
Presentation: Wednesday 20 July (19:00)
Place: Tabakalera, Donostia – San Sebastián
Listening, or lending an ear, can be taken to mean entrusting the body to a future distribution of political agencies. However, deafness involves ways of being a person and being in the world which challenge the notions of listening that are held by the hearing world. So how do we listen to someone who is challenging the very means by which we listen? In partnership with the Deaf Community of Gipuzkoa, this activity will gather together various jokes in sign language that have been recorded during the month-long residency. It will then culminate in a public event which will showcase a selection of these jokes. Voz Sorda II helps to build bridges between those who can hear and deaf people through jokes, which are a fundamental part of daily communication in our social context.
The work of Jaume Ferrete Vázquez (Mollet del Vallés, 1980) revolves around the political dimensions of voices and takes the form of concerts/performances, workshops, online activities, listening sessions and sound installations. He works in the field of visual art (Secession, Vienna; Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art; Urban Video Project, New York), music and the performing arts (LEM Festival, Mercat de les Flors i Antic Teatre, Barcelona; Poetas por Km2, Madrid; SOS Festival, Murcia) and education (Creadors en Residència in Barcelona; University Programme in Gender Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico), as well as other areas. His work has been recognised with various scholarships, prizes and residencies from institutions such as the Government of Catalonia´s Department for Culture, Matadero (Madrid), the Helsinki International Artists in Residency Project and Vessel Art Projects (Bari), Q-O2 (Brussels), Casa Vecina (Mexico City) and Generación 2016 (Madrid), among others. Since 2008, he has helped to coordinate the educational sound project Sons de Barcelona, which was launched by the Music Technology Group at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.
In collaboration with TABAKALERA