Abrogate the rules of use relating to silence (Conclusions)
Luz Broto
Abrogate the rules of use relating to silence (Conclusions)
Monday, 24th October
Time: 19:00 h.
Place: Ganbara Room at Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea
Entrance: Free
Presentation of the conclusions and evaluation of the development of the project and its implications, with the participation of the artist Luz Broto, the curators at the Listening Observatory, various different people involved in the production of the project (Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea and DSS2016EU), and all library users who wish to share their experience and impressions about the proposal.
Luz Broto lives and works in Barcelona. Her work consists of speci c interventions that make slight changes to the uses and meanings of the spaces in which we live and pass through. Her most recent works include Durante la exposición el centro permanecerá abierto [During the exhibition the centre will remain open] (Lo Pati, Amposta, 2015), Abrir un agujero permanente [Open a permanent hole] (MACBA, Barcelona, 2015), Volver a casa [Returning home] (CA2M, Madrid, 2015), Aumentar el caudal de un río [Increasing the ow of a river] (La Panera, Lleida, 2014) and Atar cabos [Tying up loose ends] (García Galería, Madrid, 2014). She has taken part in group exhibitions such as Performing Politics (Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin, 2012), Jonge Spaanse Kunst (Appartement Elisa Platteau, Brussels, 2012), Die Fünfte Säule (Secession, Viena, 2011) and the 5×5 International Award for Contemporary Art (EAC, Castellón, 2011)