Abrogate the rules of use relating to silence
Luz Broto
From 10 to 22 October
Timetable: Monday to Friday 08:30 to 20:30 and Saturday 08:30 to 14:00.
Place: Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea’s Library
Inauguration: Monday 10 October, 12:00 h,
At Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea’s Hall
Presentation of conclusions: Monday 24 October, 19:00 h,
Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea’s Ganbara Room.
Along with hospitals, libraries are public places where silence is absolutely necessary and enforced. They are instruments for concentration. These places face the difficult paradox of enabling privacy in a public context. Luz Broto’s work sometimes focuses on exchanging the notions of outside and inside, the public and the private, the closed and the open, all of which are fixed when it comes to the usual definition of a library.
This intervention does not produce new sounds, but instead analyses silence, beginning with the rules seeking to enforce it. The proposal is to abolish the rules that seek to maintain a silent environment within the Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea’s Library. Suspending the restrictions governing the behaviour of users gives rise to the generation of new dynamics of relationship, use and movement and thereby produces another soundscape.
Luz Broto lives and works in Barcelona. Her work consists of specific interventions that make slight changes to the uses and meanings of the spaces in which we live and pass through. Her most recent works include Durante la exposición el centro permanecerá abierto [During the exhibition the centre will remain open] (Lo Pati, Amposta, 2015), Abrir un agujero permanente [Open a permanent hole] (MACBA, Barcelona, 2015), Volver a casa [Returning home] (CA2M, Madrid, 2015), Aumentar el caudal de un río [Increasing the flow of a river] (La Panera, Lleida, 2014) and Atar cabos [Tying up loose ends] (García Galería, Madrid, 2014). She has taken part in group exhibitions such as Performing Politics (Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin, 2012), Jonge Spaanse Kunst (Appartement Elisa Platteau, Brussels, 2012), Die Fünfte Säule (Secession, Vienna, 2011) and the 5×5 International Award for Contemporary Art (EAC, Castellón, 2011).
This intervention is part of the Critical Listening seminar supported by Eremuak with the collaboration of Azkuna Zentroa.